
Peggy Quotes

I wasn't prepared for quite how radiant, gracious and gutsy she would appear both in person and as a performer. It was like watching a master class in folk performance to be frank: a truly positive force.  - Karine Polwart

Peggy Quotes 2

A lifetime has gone into reaching the place she sings from here. The result is a quietly compelling album (Everything Changes) of songs that took a lifetime to be able to write and sing. A most eloquent and rich album.
— Michael Tearson


The Peggy Seeger Songbook

The Peggy Seeger Songbook, Warts and All

(OK 64985)

peggysongbook400.jpgThis volume is part songbook, part autobiography, and part social and political history. The presentation of the 149 songs included here paints a vibrant portrait of an outspoken artist/advocate and her musical, personal, and political development. Seeger shares not only the stories behind the songs, but the situations in her life - and in the world around her - that prompted their creation. In doing so, she gives us insights into the inner workings of her song-making process as well as contributing to our understanding of the important issues addressed by many of the lyrics. Her best known songs, "Come Fill Up Your Glasses," "Gonna Be an Engineer" and "The Ballad of Springhill" have, among others, become classics. This songbook, sprinkled throughout with drawings by Jacky Fleming, is also just that: a classic.


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