
Peggy Quotes

Since 1959, Seeger has written hundreds of songs. Those who regard Joni Mitchell, Carole King, and Laura Nyro as the first generation of singer-songwriters to craft material from women's experiences should think again. Seeger is a missing link between the 1950s American folk-song revival and women's liberation; the guitar-toting chanteuses of the 1970s could not have existed without either of those movements. - Laura Pellegrinellli, The Village Voice

Peggy Quotes 2

I am writing to thank you for making your wonderful music, doing your wonderful activism, and for letting the two commingle as you have. I am a young woman and a feminist. Your music has shaped my life and guided me through disappointment, disenfranchisement, and cynicism.
- Loren Grace


Peggy Seeger Teaches Guitar Accompaniment


psteachesguitarPeggy Seeger Teaches Guitar Accompaniment for Folk Songs, Ballads and Originals

Two Hours  $29.95
Level 2

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Peggy Seeger’s unique and compelling guitar accompaniments have become a trademark sound during her successful and highly influential career.  This fascinating two-hour lesson draws on her vast repertoire of traditional and original songs and her impeccable ear for just the right nuance to create and embellish an arrangement.

Peggy addresses a variety of accompaniment styles: Carter Family strumming, Spanish or “classical” style, drone-bass and “automatic thumb” fingerpicking, alternate tunings, the “lullaby strum” and other techniques that will dress up your songs. You’ll also get the benefits of Peggy’s long professional experience with playing tips, historical insights and wonderful stories about her life in music.

You’ll learn to play traditional British songs and ballads (Newlyn Town, Johnson Jinkson, Hangman, The Mermaid, Swallow and Trout); Appalachian songs (Whistle Daughter Whistle, Butcher’s Boy, When I Was Single, Wagoner’s Lad); and contemporary songs written by Peggy and her late husband, Ewan MacColl (Gonna Be An Engineer, First Time Ever I Saw Your Face, Bring Me Home, The Ballad of Springhill). 


Peggy Seeger's songs and multi-instrumental artistry (she expertly plays guitar, banjo, piano, autoharp, concertina and dulcimer) are legendary in folk music circles. She is the daughter of folklorist Charles Seeger and composer Ruth Crawford Seeger; half-sister to Pete Seeger and sister to Mike Seeger.  Ewan MacColl, her husband and musical partner for more than 30 years, wrote First Time Ever I Saw Your Face for her. She and Ewan were hugely influential in the British folk music revival. Peggy has made 22 solo recordings and has taken part in more than 100 more with other performers. Her best-known compositions are Gonna Be an Engineer and The Ballad of Springhill. 

Peggy  tours extensively in the UK and occasionally in the USA and Australia as a solo concert artist, singing and giving workshops. She is widely considered to be one of North America's finest female folksingers.

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