For me, the Peggy Seeger concert was a trip to the past -- so many
coffee houses, hootenannies, and sing-alongs in the '50's and '60's, so
much outrage, so much hope, so many dreams. It was a reminder of our
heritage of ballads and story songs -- of our country and its roots in
the Old World. - Lucy V. Parker
I am writing to thank you for making your wonderful music, doing your wonderful activism, and for letting the two commingle as you have. I am a young woman and a feminist. Your music has shaped my life and guided me through disappointment, disenfranchisement, and cynicism. - Loren Grace
Songs of Two Rebellions
SONGS OF TWO REBELLIONS Ewan, Peggy accompanying Songs of the Jacobite Wars, 1715 and 1745 12" disc 1960 FW 8756