
Peggy Quotes

For me, the Peggy Seeger concert was a trip to the past -- so many coffee houses, hootenannies, and sing-alongs in the '50's and '60's, so much outrage, so much hope, so many dreams. It was a reminder of our heritage of ballads and story songs -- of our country and its roots in the Old World. - Lucy V. Parker

Peggy Quotes 2

The collaboration of a septuagenarian American folk music legend and a British experimental dance music producer may be highly improbable, but folk grande dame Peggy Seeger and Broadcaster have pulled off a genre-defying album full of hypnotic and hook-laden delights.
- Anon


American Folks Songs Sung by the Seegers

am folksongs by seegers AMERICAN FOLKSONGS SUNG BY THE SEEGERS    
Peggy, Mike, Barbara, Penny    
USA folksongs    
10" disc     1957    
FA 2005

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