
Peggy Quotes

By telling Jimmy Massey's life story, and by the profound way you shaped your lyrics, you have made him so close we must see he is undeniably us--who we are and why we are. I want to express my gratitude to him for telling his story, and to you for giving me a way to connect with his story and my own heart as I share his message with others. Thank you. Suzanna Hough

Peggy Quotes 2

In a world where stars can fade by age 25, it is great to review an album by a lady approaching her 70th birthday who has entertained and enlightened us for half a century. I believe that the second part of that accolade is the more important in assessing this diva of folk. Her songs always entertain but by making us think she achieves her greatest hold.
- Rambles


Two-Way Trip

twoway trip TWO-WAY TRIP    
Ewan and Peggy    
songs from USA and GB    
12" disc     1961    
FW 8755
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