
Peggy Quotes

For me, the Peggy Seeger concert was a trip to the past -- so many coffee houses, hootenannies, and sing-alongs in the '50's and '60's, so much outrage, so much hope, so many dreams. It was a reminder of our heritage of ballads and story songs -- of our country and its roots in the Old World. - Lucy V. Parker

Peggy Quotes 2

I came away from the auditorium holding back tears from the emotional impact of Peggy’s performance, and with a comforting, warm glow inside, a feeling of serious privilege at being in her company once again. I treasure every moment. Love will linger on…
-David Kidman


CD Reviews - The Folkway Years: Songs of Love and Politics

"Fortunately, Peggy Seeger is one of the compilers of this album. The result is that this retrospective is one of the jewels in the S/F [Smithsonian/Folkways] catalog. Eight of the 21 cuts have never been released at all. These, as well as the other previously released songs cover the gamut of styles. As the title succinctly states, these are songs of love and politics . . . Songs of Love and Politics is a wonderful introduction to Peggy Seeger for those of you who are not familiar with her work and a delight to those love her work."

Don Jacobsen, KVMR Radio

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