
Peggy Quotes

Pete Seeger's 90th Birthday Bash

I'm just writing to let you know how touched & grateful I was by your poem/dedication to Pete on Sunday. It was definitely the high point of the whole concert for me! Not only was the writing superb, but your warmth & heartfelt, yet skillful delivery were worthy of a fine actress! You managed to evoke in the audience's "mind's eyes" a vivid experience of those days in Beacon, and at once humanized yet lent impetus for our further appreciation of the "Beacon Seegers".  - Bill Vanaver

Peggy Quotes 2

A lifetime has gone into reaching the place she sings from here. The result is a quietly compelling album (Everything Changes) of songs that took a lifetime to be able to write and sing. A most eloquent and rich album.
— Michael Tearson


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