
Peggy Quotes

Undervalued as a songwriter - especially in the shadow of MacColl, Heading for Home is but one of scores of valuable songs that Seeger has written, many grafted onto or from the living tradition. Her themes are love and betrayal, human solitude and need for affection, as well as the broad sweeps of socialist, feminist values and ideas. I looked across the amber light of the stone, timber and whitewash Market House, heard the incessant, sleety rain on the roof and witnessed an audience enthralled, left to sing on their own and all heading for home with thoughts and emotions drawn from deep, deep wells. Great gig, Peggy! - Francis Devine, Irish Times

Peggy Quotes 2

Seeger the folk singer from New York, offers us a remarkably unique style on this song; her vocals bend, twist and turn shaving off any kind of traditional approach to her genres. The beats and guitars compliment Peggy’s soft and laid back melodies.
- Paul Stewart Media


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