
Peggy Quotes

There are names that are synonymous with folk music; Guthrie and Lomax come quickly to mind. Seeger is another such name. Its mere mention conjures a mental laundry list of talented, politically active, musical personalities who are woven into the fabric of American folk music. Seeger family members have been studying — and making — folk music history for more than seven decade.... Dirty Linen

Peggy Quotes 2

First off, Seeger's a daunting multi-instrumentalist, playing guitar, autoharp, banjo, piano, concertina, and of course singing. However, she doesn't just play, she demonstrates a fluency surprising even for an overachiever on the banjo, and her vocals can be either bird-on-a-wire delicate or gusty, ringing with authority and surprising projection.
- Mark S. Tucker


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